Sunday, 1 April 2012

Great Teacher

Teaching is one of the most complicated and challenging jobs today. The main role of a teacher is to educate and teach students to be success in their life. Everyone can be a teacher, but not all of them can be a good teacher. They hold our young children's minds in their hands and mold them like pieces of fine clay. Here, I want to share some qualities or characteristics that is required in order to become a great teacher.
             Firstly, a great teacher must have excellent teaching skills. He or she can explain ideas clearly in class, is able to attract students to follow the teaching and learning process smoothly, have good communication skills, have variety of teaching techniques and approaches, and can make the subject become interesting and enjoyable. A good teacher with excellent teaching skills for sure can control the class well and the objectives of the lessons can be achieved. He or she easily to swap ideas with other teachers and attends seminars or classes in order to improve his/her teaching skills.
             Besides that, to become a great teacher at school, we need to have a good and strong relationship with students. A good teacher knows students personally by name and background, avoid humiliation, ready to listen to his/her students’ problems and talk, understand their feelings and appreciate students’ opinions and suggestions in class. If a teacher has a good relationship with students, the students will feel comfortable and enjoy to be in class. They will follow the instructions given easily and try to give the best cooperation to their teacher.
             Then, a good teacher is also prepared and organized for class earlier. He/she will plan what is going to teach and  what is the objectives of the lesson before enter the class every day so that the teaching and learning process will be smooth and under control. He/she shows good attitudes and behaviours by entering the class on time, be fair and square in giving task and make decision, responsible, creative, patient and so on so forth. Furthermore, they love what they do. They teach and do everything not for the money, prestige, or glory, but they do it because it brings them an incredible feeling of satisfaction knowing they are contributing positively to the futures of others. 
             In a nutshell, it is not easy to become a great teacher. We should have a unique set of qualities such as excellent teaching skills, good and strong relationship with students, and also prepared and organized for class earlier. A good teacher will be loved, remembered and appreciated by the students although they already success in their life.

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